Haunted still and maybe forever Aug. 10, 2012
Maybe her troubled look at the meeting had to do with her constant struggles with anorexia – a condition she claimed plague her since childhood, and briefly mentioned in that book about her and the school she once taught in. The book talked about her meeting a girl there with a similar condition, she recognizing the signs – the girl apparently not complete comfortable with the revelation – and perhaps she’s not comfortable with the condition herself. She looks at videos on YouTube dealing with the subject and how people struggle to get over the condition. I remember when I was at her apartment, she briefly talked about it, pointing out the assortment of jeans she kept, some as warning signs when she exceeded the weight she wanted to maintain, folded jeans lined up from top to bottom in a six-foot-high shelves, almost like a department store. The writing life is difficult because we spend so much time in front of a computer or out in the world where people are constantly e...