Staggered July 19, 2012
After more than a week since her last posted poem (an opus
on Forgiveness or perhaps lack of it), she posted a very short, but also very
revealing poem, less arrogant, while reverting to an earlier theme: immunity.
There is some irony in the title because it comes a short
time after she read me the riot act and issued her list of demands, a list of things
Not To Do, any of which would bring down the wrath of God on my head if I
violated them.
You would think from the title she had reached a level where
she truly believed herself immune, while the body of the poem suggests just the
opposite. In it, she comes across like a punch-drunk prize fighter still
staggering from a nose-to-nose confrontation with a tough opponent, a fight in
which she came out as a technical winner, yet to her does not feel like a
She puts a foot forward while the world spins around her,
she on the verge of falling down, grateful for the fact that gravity “does not
affect your soul.”
And as in an earlier poem, she suggests her soul is beyond the
reach of her attacker as being in “all places at all times.”
The poem alludes to her early poem when she claimed her soul
was beyond the reach of a stone (as in sticks and stones or better the Biblical
reference of he who is without sin cast the first stone).
The tone oozes with the tone of someone who had gone through
a real conflict that has left her reeling with the suggestion that she must
keep on keeping on, even if the conflict staggered her and she might soon fall
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