The inside track March 9, 2013


 No real reason to update since nothing has changed from what I can see from the outside. She remains in the Virgin Mayor’s inner circle, if only in a peripheral way.

It is impossible to tell if she is still connected to RR, a relationship that appears to go back to the early days when she first started at our company.

Best guess is that they are connected, but not as intimately as they had been, both grateful for getting their slice of the pie.

I still wonder at her dislike of the Neighboring Mayor, and whether she resents him because she once tried to get in on his inner circle, only to find him unreceptive. He trusts very few, and only lets those he’s known for years get close.

But it is clear, that she is tight with the Virgin Mayor’s closest people, perhaps hoping that if she ingratiates herself to them, they will give her more clout than her current position as special aide does.

From outside, it is difficult to know exactly what role she plays, although it is clear she is close to the police director, who is her Facebook friend as well. She is also close to the city’s insurance man, as well as the official PR guy, and Mr. C, the man who ran for Freeholder with the Virgin Mayor’s blessing.

This inner circle, from reports I’ve heard, have her doing more than making copies and going for coffee, still trying to wheedle her way into getting dirt they can use against the Virgin Mayor’s political enemies, especially against the mayor’s Chief Adversary, and the Freeholder who is responsible for the federal charges against the Virgin Mayor.

It’s impossible to tell if her digging dirt against the Small Man and the Congressman is on their behalf or on RR’s, or perhaps, she’s still peeved at them for having forced her to resign her position with us.

How far back does it all go? Was she operating on their behalf in the beginning when she first came to us, or was RR pulling her strings on their behalf?

Her admiration for RR still stuns me, although I have heard again and again from other women how much of the gift of gab he has. The problem is the glitter wears off over time and eventually smart people who fell for his line early on eventually sour on him, realizing much of what he says is bullshit.

Yet, as street smart as she seems to be, I get the impression, especially from her poetry, that deep down she is really naïve, gullible until she gets burned and then she gets bitter.

She often blames herself when someone uses her.

For a time, I thought maybe this crew of thieves was black mailing her, getting some petty piece of vice on her and forcing her to play along with them, becoming just another political tool to further their agenda.

These days, I tend to think she walked in willingly, if not deaf, dumb and blind, then certainly with horse blinders keeping her from looking too closely at what the others were up to.

I honestly believe she means well in everything she does, even though she is sometimes blinded by ambition.

Still, I think, she likes being one of the boys, someone on the inside track, kept in the power loop even if she’s not a major player. I’ve heard from others how she struts around city hall boasting about her role on the team.

False bravado, I think, signs of insecurity, much like the stuff she used to hand our office gossip, bragging to make herself seem important, she down deep she doesn’t feel important at all.

Since I no longer have access to her Facebook page, I rely on her posting of poems to hint at her current situation. She has not posted in recent days, except one about orange juice, although prior to that, she posted a number of poems suggesting she is in love with a married man.

Stay tuned, I’m sure there’s more to come.


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