Soap opera derby March 13, 2013
Day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, our office falls
to pieces.
But I’m out of the line of fire for the moment,
“D” confirmed that she set up and ran the international
women’s day event, though D also made it clear how out of touch the Virgin
Mayor – from remarks he made at the event.
She seems to be in control of the situation at the moment,
although I suspect she isn’t gloating about it, feeling a bit less sure of
herself than she might make out.
She’s still lot in the same league as the mayor’s criminal
elite, and this gathering of angels may be a good start towards building her own
credibility, she may have to do something more in line with politics for them
to take her seriously.
Meanwhile, our male owner had gone off on vacation again,
refusing to tell anyone where he went or who he went with, and he won’t let
anyone contact him while he’s away.
I suspect he doesn’t want to piss off the staff by informing
us about his latest elaborate trip. He underpays everybody and then goes off to
places like Europe for weeks.
Nobody here as had a raise in years.
It is hard to tell how much contact he maintains with her.
“D” is much more useful to her these days than the owner is,
and D is showing a growing affection for her and her talents. I sincerely hope
he doesn’t get his fingers burned. He has yet to realize how ambitious she is.
Rumors swirl about A and the one-night affair she had with
her ex-boyfriend from ten years ago. This was a boyfriend she had presumed sterile
until he got her pregnant. She decided to abort the baby rather than get
trapped into a life she thought at the time she wanted but clearly did not,
breaking up with the man on that account.
Their recent one-night reunion apparently broke up her new relationship
with the man she had plans to marry.
Rumor claims our she (our former writer and current Virgin
Mayor personal aide) may have had something to do with the breakup. Who knows
what is true, there is so much bullshit being tossed around.
Perhaps the worst part of the owner’s taking off for part’s
unknown is the sudden resignation of the boss at the auxiliary office, who has decided
to take a job with her mother. But I think the vibes in the office drove her
away, and how little money she was making.
If all this sounds like a soap opera, it definitely is.
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