Test or trap? Dec. 26, 2012


Over the last few weeks, I’ve made mention of her Facebook account. This is one of the odd things about this whole situation, how for some reason I have access to it again, after having been shut out of it months ago.

I found out she unblocked me quite by accident when I was on a mutual friend’s site and saw a post from her.

Why on earth did she unblock me? Is this a trap or some kind of test?

We’re not friends on Facebook. So, I don’t have access to the inner details as I once did when she boasted to one of her family members about having a romantic liaison with someone she was tutoring, or the invitation to some old friend to “come see me sometime.”

The front page of people’s Facebook pages tends to be very generic, which is possibly why she feels safe unblocking me – nothing to be gained by accessing it.

Yet, it is the principle, why unblock me when there is no reason to, unless she wants access to my Facebook – which is nearly as generic as hers.

But even then, there as clues to each of us even in this generic page – such as her buttering up a local theater company suggesting she might use them as reference for her future career – she did tell the Small Man she was seeking a job on NBC.  She has routinely used her page for self-promotion. I expect little has changed.

I would think nothing of the reference to the theater company had I not specifically asked her about the performance prior to her leaving our office, when she claimed she didn’t know anything about it.

Since she rarely posted such stuff before, I have to wonder if there is a connection.

This may be reading too much into all of it on my part, although her poetry shows how subtle she can be a times, “elusive and clever,” as she once said of me.

For all her Facebook tends to offer, I prefer her poetry, which is a gateway into her soul, regardless of how subtle she is in her writing.

Her last poem spoke about her being alone, or at least raising serious red flags about the dating scene. Her Facebook page seems to confirm this, showing her in Christmas scenes with her family, yet no significant other.

None the less, it is all so indirect as not to be trusted.

She posts poems expressing feelings, but sometimes it is impossible to translate these into a more common vernacular, meaning what they mean without easily being understood by someone on the outside.

Whenever her reasoning for letting me have access to her Facebook page is, I’m not taking it as any kind of sign. I’ll just keep reading her poetry and listening to her music, from a safe distance.


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