How things work in this neck of the woods Nov. 12, 2012


At some point, the truth has to come out, because any conspiracy involving more than two people means someone will talk.

The problem is, how do I know who is telling the truth, if anybody?

Sometimes they are all lying, although someone may feel the need to blurt out the details which gives everybody away.

This is partly what happened last night in an email exchange with the private eye going after the neighboring mayor, and his reaction to posts made on a video by one of the northern county web news reporters.

He didn’t like my questioning the newly created jobs by the Virgin Mayor. Some of the lesser people in the administration were angry at the jobs because they hadn’t gotten the raises they had created.

The jobs in question, of course, went to her and RR, and some long-time loyalist to the Virgin Mayor feel a little put out.

But the Private Eye was upset when I asked whether or not these attacks on the Virgin Mayor were being prompted by the State Senator rumored to be funding a lot of the Private Eye’s work against the neighboring mayor.

The Neighboring Mayor – while a little put out by some of the Virgin Mayor’s activities – still supported him politically.

The Private Eye – who hates the Neighboring Mayor – clearly doesn’t like his meal ticket being dragged into the mess.

I told the Private Eye that the web reporter had gone against the Virgin Mayor because he got a big pay off from the State Senator, and this set the Private Eye off, since the same bag man who apparently funnels him funds from the State Senator is also funneling funds to the Web Guy, a little too close an accusation since the same thing can be said about the Private Eye – since none of this political sabotage appeared anywhere on the state ELEC reports.

The Neighboring Mayor knows much of this, and how the State Senator used the Private Eye to feed us negative stories about him, some of which turned out to have some truth to them.

Even with her gone from our office, the Neighboring Mayor is still apparently uncomfortable with us, and with the fact that two of his enemies have been given high profile positions with his ally, the Virgin Mayor.

He just doesn’t know who to trust, and now, watching the Web Guy change sides has made matters worse.

Workers for the State Senator have pulled nasty tricks before, such as the time in the 1980s when they hired a prostitute to seduce one of their enemies, and then blackmailed the man, who committed suicide as a result.

In another incident, they hired a prostitute to seduce a school guard in order to force him to quick in order to give the job to a cop that was more loyal to their team.

The sales pitch the State Senator’s crew is promoting these days is that the Neighboring Mayor is corrupt, and they are using every means possible to push that theme.

“How can he be corrupt?” the Neighboring Mayor’s Chief of Staff asked when I raised the issue with him. “He lives in a two-bedroom flat and doesn’t have a lot of money in his pocket.”

Yet, I knew the Neighboring Mayor had crossed the line from time to time and that the Private Eye knew it as well and had a tiger by the tail trying to prove it.

Maybe that’s why the Neighboring Mayor went along with her and RR’s appointment to the jobs close to the Virgin Mayor, buying off two potential threats.

It’s how everything works in this neck of the woods.

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email to Al Sullivan


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